Infracom opts for Ekinops for metro and access networks

Italian telecom and datacom provider Infracom is upgrading its metro and access networks with the installation of the Ekinops 360 transport system, the French systems house has announced.

Infracom is based in Verona, and has branches throughout Italy, including Milan, Florence, Imola, and Rome. The provider offers communications, networking, and ICT services, including managed and outsourced services, to companies in a variety of industries. Its 9,000-km fiber-optic backbone network connects major cities throughout the country.

Infracom has installed the Ekinops 360 platform to achieve more efficient and cost-effective service delivery, according to the vendor. The Ekinops 360 transport system provides CWDM and DWDM in a single platform, enabling Infracom to bring a wider variety of services, including Ethernet and Fibre Channel, to its customers.

"We are committed to constantly upgrading our infrastructures in order to provide better and more efficient services to our customers. We were looking for a more robust and scalable metro and access solution and we found that in the Ekinops 360," said Roberto Grazzini, CIO, Network and DataCenters, for Infracom. "It is a very optimized solution that allows us to enlarge our offering to enterprises and service providers. Moreover, the responsiveness and support from Ekinops has been excellent."

To manage its network, Infracom is using the Ekinops MPSN (Multi-Protocol and Service Network management software) which provides a single platform for management of all service types and rates delivered by the Ekinops 360. The MPSN is both a network and service layer management application that simplifies network monitoring and diagnostics by correlating key network information to services in the network, Ekinops says.