Eoptolink invites potential suppliers to explore long term cooperation, contact us

We recognize the clear business benefits of sustainable manufacturing, and understand that our customers care about where and how their products are made. Our supply chain responsibility efforts are founded in transparency and focused on where we can have most impact.
Our sustainability form creates an overall performance score, used in procurement negotiations. Combined with our supplier capability building programs, these tools create an impact on and beyond the factory floor.
Eoptolink uses the collaborative Audit Process to meet the need for a high quality, standard industry assessment of suppliers’ labor, ethics, health, safety, and environmental practices. In 2017, we conducted close to 50 audits and assessments of final assembly and component suppliers. We use audit results to prioritize issues requiring attention, and then work with suppliers to address risk and drive improvement through capability building, remediation, and industry collaboration. We understand that, just like our employees, our diverse suppliers bring unique experiences and perspectives that strengthen our business, enhance innovation, and advance local economies. Eoptolink encourages small businesses and companies to compete for our business.
We invite current and potential diverse suppliers to contact us using our online registration tool.