GlobeNet Extends With AlcaLu

Submarine capacity supplier GlobeNet, a subsidiary of Brazil’s Oi, will use optical transport equipment from Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) in its recently announced project to link Colombia to its existing undersea fiber optical network (see “GlobeNet undersea cable route to link Colombia and Miami”). The equipment will provide GlobeNet the ability to support 100-Gbps wavelengths over the new 1000-km route, which will serve the need for broadband services between Colombia, the United States, and other Latin American countries.

Alcatel-Lucent will supply an integrated 100G-capable wet plant of cable and high-bandwidth repeaters, power feed equipment, and its 1620 Light Manager (LM) submarine line terminal equipped with coherent technology. The ultimate design capacity of the route will be more than 8 Tbps “on each connectivity path,” according to GlobeNet and Alcatel-Lucent.

The GlobeNet submarine cable system currently spans 22,000 km with landing points in Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza in Brazil, Maiquetía in Venezuela, St. David’s in Bermuda, Boca Raton in Florida, and Tuckerton in New Jersey. The new extension will land on Colombia’s Atlantic coast.

Said Erick W. Contag, GlobeNet’s COO, “GlobeNet is committed to meeting the need for high-quality capacity to offer an improved experience for all of our customers. Our collaboration with Alcatel-Lucent is based on our confidence in the low latency, reliability, and speed of their solution, as well as their ability to seamlessly and efficiently introduce this extension to Colombia while maintaining all our existing network services.”