Keymile Lands FTTH Deal

Herne Stadtwerke, a utility in the Ruhr region, has laid fibre optic lines to a new housing development that accommodates several generations. As a result, people living there will have 100 Mbps Internet access, as well as fixed-line telephony and a vast range of digital TV programmes. KEYMILE’s multi-service access platform MileGate lies at the heart of the solution.

Linking up fibre optic lines opens up a wealth of options. Herne utility provided the fibre-optic infrastructure to the homes (FTTH). The new multi-generation housing development in Stratmanns Weg in Herne now has fast Internet, fixed-line network telephony and digital TV. QSC in Cologne delivers extensive ICT services. The company is in charge of line operation and integration to the backbone. Each house’s fibre optic line is connected using KEYMILE’s multi-service access platform MileGate. Consequently, a high level of reliability and availability is ensured. IT-systems integrator AXIANS supported the QSC project team beforehand during the planning phase of the active network. It also helped select and later design the KEYMILE solution. In future, AXIANS will also provide maintenance services to guarantee reliable operation and assist QSC and the Herne utility with further expansion plans.

MileGate’s technical options, such as those employed in a range of comparable FTTH projects, swung the decision in its favour. The multi-service access platform is a compact solution with a high level of port density for broadband access (100 Mbps lines), telephony and data interfaces. A key feature is the ability to transmit digital TV services at the same time as broadband Internet access. Therefore, the Herne utility can easily and cost effectively supply customers connected via its own fibre optic lines with a wide range of television programmes.

Keymile AG