China Mobile to deploy Huawei FTTW gear for WLAN mobile backhaul

China Mobile Shangdong Branch (Shangdong Mobile) deploy Huawei’s GPON fiber-to-wireless (FTTW) offering in 17 cities of Shandong province to backhaul wireless local area network (WLAN) data streams and help Shangdong Mobile provide 54-Mbps Internet access for 50,000 WLAN hotspots in schools, offices, transport hubs, hotels, leisure places, downtown areas, and residences.

The FTTW equipment will be deployed in Shangdong Mobile’s E2E mobile backhaul network, covering the optical line terminal (OLT) in the central office, the optical distribution network (ODN), and the optical access equipment for multi-dwelling units (MDUs).

The combination of WLAN and existing mobile communication networks provides high-speed mobile broadband access, says Huawei. This enables users to work away from their offices, browse websites, send and receive emails, watch online movies, and download large files on the fly.