Alcatel-Lucent 2Q12 GPON port shipments top 1 million

Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) says it shipped more than 1 million ports of GPON gear in its fiscal second quarter, a company record. Increased demand in in China and the U.S. helped spur the jump in shipments, according to the company.

The company asserts the shipments signal that Alcatel-Lucent is running ahead of the GPON market as a whole. The shipments to China and the U.S. are emblematic of the success Alcatel-Lucent has had globally with its Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM)-based GPON offering, the company says. For example:

    In APAC, Alcatel-Lucent says it is the leading supplier of GPON systems to China Telecom and China Unicom.
    In the Americas too, Alcatel-Lucent supplies GPON equipment to Verizon, as well as to Oi  in Brazil and Telmex in Mexico.
    In Europe, Alcatel-Lucent says it is now making inroads into Eastern Europe, with a contract award from Vivacom of Bulgaria the most recent example.
    In the Middle East and Africa, Alcatel-Lucent points to a win with Telkom South Africa as proof of its progress.

Overall, Alcatel-Lucent says its ISAM family has been deployed by more than 250 service providers globally, including more than 160 FTTH projects that include EPON, GPON, and point-to-point fiber.