
Alcatel-Lucent 2Q12 GPON port shipments top 1 million

Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) says it shipped more than 1 million ports of GPON gear in its fiscal second quarter, a company record. Increased demand in in China and the U.S. helped spur the jump in shipments, according to the company.

The company asserts the shipments signal that Alcatel-Lucent is running ahead of the GPON market as a whole. The shipments to China and the U.S. are emblematic of the success Alcatel-Lucent has had globally with its Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM)-based GPON offering, the company says. For example:

    In APAC, Alcatel-Lucent says it is the leading supplier of GPON systems to China Telecom and China Unicom.
    In the Americas too, Alcatel-Lucent supplies GPON equipment to Verizon, as well as to Oi  in Brazil and Telmex in Mexico.
    In Europe, Alcatel-Lucent says it is now making inroads into Eastern Europe, with a contract award from Vivacom of Bulgaria the most recent example.
    In the Middle East and Africa, Alcatel-Lucent points to a win with Telkom South Africa as proof of its progress.

Overall, Alcatel-Lucent says its ISAM family has been deployed by more than 250 service providers globally, including more than 160 FTTH projects that include EPON, GPON, and point-to-point fiber.

Making the jump to 100G

By Sam Bucci, Alcatel-Lucent

In the past two years, the number of 100G transport platforms on the market has grown from one to nearly a dozen. With this much-needed leap in bandwidth capacity here to stay, service providers are now asking, “How do I implement 100G in a scalable, cost-effective way?”

How far ahead do service providers have to stay to keep up with the world’s endless appetite for bandwidth? While many continue to deploy 10- and 40-Gbps transport platforms, growing numbers are looking at 100G to give them a longer-lasting bandwidth boost.

According to most service providers, bandwidth demand is growing by at least 33% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) each year. Streaming video is expected to make up some 58% of all Internet traffic by 2014.1 More than 20 billion mobile devices are likely to be in use by 2020.2 And in just two years, more than 80% of all new software will be available as a cloud service, which will require the adoption of all-new content delivery and storage models.3

Some service providers have said they’ll need to double their capacity every 18 months to keep pace.4 (See figure below.) Other sources estimate that the total amount of content passing through the world’s networks will increase from 800,000 petabytes in 2009 to 35 zettabytes in 2020—meaning that by the end of this decade, service providers will need an astonishing 44 times the capacity they have today.5


A growing market
To deliver the capacity operators need, technology vendors have been actively working to develop commercial 100-Gbps network systems. Alcatel-Lucent opened the field in 2007 with the industry’s first field trial of 100G optical transmission. As 100G technology has matured, several vendors have brought such platforms to market. Today there are at least 10 different 100G platforms available.

The momentum behind commercial 100G is good news for service providers who have been waiting for the technology to mature before upgrading and evolving their networks. With 100G now widely available, they can finally start building capacity with the confidence that this technology will be the standard for years to come.

Different options for different needs
Every network has its own unique set of requirements—which means no single flavor of 100G will suit all applications. Service providers need choice and flexibility as they look to evolve, starting with options for both the IP and optical portions of their networks. These include:

    100-Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) service routing interfaces that can be deployed anywhere in the transport network -- in the metro, at the service edge and in the core. In some networks, higher-speed core router or data center interconnection is the critical requirement. In others, 100GbE links provide headroom for handling high traffic volumes within the metro or can increase efficiency at the service edge of the IP network.
    Single-carrier 100G coherent optical technologies that couple coherent detection with advanced digital signal processing algorithms and sophisticated modulation formats to increase symbol rate and improve wavelength performance. Platforms that benefit from this approach possess the capacity to simultaneously handle native 10G, 40G, and 100G wavelengths—enabling service providers to easily migrate their network infrastructures to ever-higher wavelength capacities without sacrificing performance.

100G marks an inflection point in the evolution of both IP and optical transport networks. Although different service providers will have different objectives for migrating to 100G, they have the flexibility to start their transitions in one domain or the other—or proceed incrementally in both—based on the best approach for their particular network architecture and strategy.

Planning is key
To monetize their networks, service providers need the most flexible, efficient, and cost-effective means of transporting network traffic. With this in mind, a number of complex variables must be taken into account when planning 100G deployments. These include:

    fiber type
    distance between sites
    placement of amplifiers, electrical regenerators, and add/drop sites
    platform scalability
    capex and opex
    total cost of ownership (i.e., the need to reduce equipment footprint, power consumption, truck rolls, etc.).

The challenge is to achieve the right balance across these elements without going so far as to compromise one for the sake of another—for example, by reducing line rates or wavelength capacity on some spans or installing additional regeneration sites, all of which can diminish overall performance and undercut the value of the 100G technology investment.

The latest 100G systems on the market address these issues by extending unregenerated reach to 2,000 km or more. Although such distances typically suggest ultra-long-haul applications, a more common use may actually be in highly meshed regional and metro networks, which have frequently constrained service providers to 40G or even 10G wavelengths due to the variability and unpredictability of impairments in the optical infrastructure.

Enhanced 100G performance broadens the addressable market for 100G while improving network capacity and lowering costs. Despite the increasing number of applications available to service providers, however, migration plans still need to be well thought out and as complete as possible.

Going beyond 100G
While most service providers are either deploying or making plans to move to 100G, the unabated growth in traffic demand will soon push them toward even higher rates. (In fact, many early adopters of 100G—financial institutions and data center operators, for example—have already reached the point where 100G is no longer enough.) As such, many vendors are starting to think about what might be next—in a world after 100G.

Knowing that bandwidth demand will continue to climb, service providers will need to make sure their 100G networks can evolve elegantly into higher-bandwidth infrastructures down the road. But most approaches to higher rates require substantial investments in network equipment or fiber routes. Overhauling their entire infrastructure every few years is clearly not a viable option; today’s 100G platforms have to be both scalable and backward-compatible.

Leveraging recent advances in optical componentry, processing, and chip design, commercially available 400G chipsets have been developed for existing WDM platforms that are fully compatible with 100G networks. The result in one case is a high-bandwidth 100G system that extends reach by 50% while reducing power consumption and equipment footprint by more than 30%. When equipped for 400G transport, the same system delivers a fourfold increase in traffic payload rate and module density.

Chipsets for 400G from more vendors will soon arrive on the marketplace. Ideal devices will be in-house designs optimized for specific vendor products rather than the diverse range of potential applications (and performance compromises) typically required by merchant silicon. For service providers, these in-house chipsets will not only arrive on the market sooner, but will deliver improved performance over virtually any fiber infrastructure or topology. More importantly, they will provide a smooth evolutionary path that allows them to leverage their existing investments and migrate to higher rates at their own pace—meaning they can stay ahead of bandwidth demand while increasing capacity in a way that makes sense for them.

Moving forward, the need for more bandwidth will have a profound impact on every aspect of service providers’ operations. There’s a lot at stake. But with 100G technology more accessible than ever—and with recent advancements setting the stage for even greater capacity—the time to act is most definitely now.

1. Informa Telecoms and Media, 2011.
2. Strategy Analytics.
3. Bell Labs: Value of Cloud for a Virtual Service Provider, 2011.
4. Telegeography: International Bandwidth Deployments, 2002–2016.
5. IBM Software: Delivering a New ROI for Communications, 2012.

Sam Bucci is vice president and general manager of Alcatel-Lucent’s Terrestrial Optics Product Unit.

Alcatel-Lucent wins fiber-optic network contract from China Telecom

Alcatel-Lucent  says that it will supply optical transport equipment to China Telecom as part of an upgrade to the carrier’s fiber-optic data network. The upgrade will also support China Telecom’s activities within the “Broadband China” program, a national initiative to deliver high-speed broadband connections to more than 250 million urban and rural homes by 2015.

The system’s provider previously received a contract to provide China Telecom with fiber to the home (FTTH) equipment for the Broadband China effort (see “Alcatel-Lucent to expand broadband FTTH network for China Telecom”).

China Telecom chose Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell to supply 70% of its requirements for 10G converged Optical Transport Network (OTN) and WDM technology platforms. Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell will supply the 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) under terms of the contract. The 1830 PSS will support 10-Gbps traffic, while providing China Telecom with the ability to transmit 40- and 100-Gbps wavelengths as well.

The upgrade program aims to increase the capacity of China Telecom’s optical transport network as well as extend it to all of China’s major cities. The expansion will enable China Telecom to reach more consumers and businesses with its fixed-line broadband access network, and increase the availability of both 3G- and WiFi-based wireless broadband services throughout the country.

Said Rajeev Singh-Molares, president, Asia Pacific for Alcatel-Lucent, “Chinese consumers and businesses are demanding increasingly sophisticated services requiring more and more bandwidth. As importantly, China has set aggressive targets to expand broadband availability to underserved segments of the society. Our optical technology will enable China Telecom to address these critical demands cost-effectively today, and lay the groundwork for the future expansion and acceleration of their network to support 100G transport in the future. China Telecom is to carry out large-scale deployment of 100G in the coming years, and we feel very confident that Alcatel-Lucent will enhance our partnership with China Telecom by leveraging our advanced solutions and extensive experience.”

Brocade Adds 10GigE Density

Brocade today announced the industry's highest core router density with the introduction of the new 24-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10 GbE) module for Brocade® MLXe® Series routers, delivering industry-leading density and performance for software-defined networking (SDN), with the ability to scale up to 768 ports of 10 GbE in a single chassis. Based on Brocade MaxScale-160 Packet Processor technology with fourth-generation silicon innovation, the new module triples existing 10 GbE density and is purpose-built for high-capacity, high-performance data center core and service provider networks. Brocade also introduced the 12.5 software release for Brocade ADX® Application Delivery Switches, delivering a new multitenancy capability without compromising performance or flexibility.

Massive increases in data traffic -- driven by video, mobile devices and the cloud -- have changed network traffic characteristics, creating the need for new network architectures from data centers to the service provider core. The Brocade MLXe router with the new 24-port 10 GbE module is optimized for large-scale service provider "Supercore" networks and Internet data center core applications where high port density, scalable MPLS, rich routing and deep buffering capabilities are required. The router's industry-leading 10 GbE density and performance, coupled with Brocade 100 GbE technology and massive MPLS capacity, enable dramatic simplification and capacity scalability of core networks.

Using the new 24-port 10 GbE module, carriers can create highly scalable BGP-free MPLS "Supercore" networks optimized for high-speed transport and fast convergence. By reducing the number of devices and eliminating IP routing from the core of the network, providers can greatly simplify their architectures and reduce both capital expenditure and operational costs. This approach is also a key enabler of SDN that leverages technologies such as OpenFlow to control individual traffic flows up to 100 Gbps using the Brocade MLXe router. As a result, Brocade customers can maximize network resource utilization and improve traffic control to deliver differentiated SLAs and significant business value to their own customers.

Brocade Communications Systems Inc

Bluebird Network middle-mile network uses ADVA FSP 3000

Broadband stimulus awardee Bluebird Network is deploying the ADVA FSP 3000 in the Missouri Ultra-High Capacity Middle Mile Project, according to ADVA Optical Networking. The project aims to add 1,500 miles to Bluebird’s existing 4,500-mile network that spans Missouri and Illinois.

The carrier formed via the integration of Bluebird Media, Missouri Network Alliance (MNA), and Illinois Network Alliance (INA) in 2011. A $45 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant from the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and a $10.5 million in-kind contribution from the state of Missouri, as well as private investors, are funding its new fiber-optic infrastructure, which should be in place by this fall.

The network will support 10-Gbps services for local last-mile providers of residential and business services and over 100 community anchor institutions. Bluebird expects to support video on demand, telemedicine, remote education and testing, IPTV and HDTV, video conferencing with multiple users, remote computing, real-time medical-image consulting, and transfer of electronic medical records, among other applications and services.
“Introducing high-speed Internet services in rural areas can be a daunting challenge because they often are limited to bandwidth-constrained infrastructure and legacy technologies,” said Michael Morey, president and CEO with Bluebird Network. “In Missouri and Illinois we’ve created a robust, 6,000-mile network that relieves fiber exhaust, upgrades on SONET infrastructure, and brings sometimes unprecedented services to the 59 counties funded by the grant. ADVA Optical Networking’s DWDM system and management software provide our network with the scalable optical transport and simple flexibility to match capabilities with data demands across both legacy and new infrastructure.”

The ADVA FSP 3000 supports up to forty 100-Gbps wavelengths. The platform’s ROADM capability and RAYcontrol GMPLS control plane enable Bluebird to use a combination of hardware pre-provisioning, point-and-click configuration, and flexible provisioning.



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